Navigate and Download Galleries with Flipper

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Golden Master
So you have come to a website with many galleries that have a similar naming convention ? You would like to auto-navigate or automatically download all of the images without having to repeat the same step a hundred times ? Flipper, a firefox extension, could help you automate the task.

It is not that easy to use on first glance but it becomes clear after using the test gallery which was setup by the author of the extension. Flipper is working the following way: You click on the first image of the first gallery and hit CTRL + END afterwards which opens the configuration window of Flipper.

You do need to manually add some values to the following fields. Let us use the same example that the author of the gallery extension used:

Gallery base url is the url of all of the galleries that never changes. The base url would be for the above example.

Gal Rng defines how the gallery folders differ from one another. Galleries in the above example are named gall01.html, gall02.html and so forth which means we add 00 in that field. If galleries would be named gall1.html, gall2.html we would simply add 0 as the value.

G.Min, G.Max define the amount of galleries. They normally start with 1 and end with the maximum that could be added in GalRng. For 00 this would be 99, for 0 it would be 9

Now that we have defined the folder structure we have to define the image structure as well. Images in the above example look like

URL Mid the part after the folder structure and before the numbers in the images. in this case it would be /img - leave empty if images consist only of numbers.

Img Rng is similar to GalRng.

Url End adds the file extension, in this case it would be .jpg

I.Min, I.Max are similar to G.Min, G.Max - they define the amount of images per gallery.

Save Media makes sure that images will be auto saved while flipping through them

Auto Flip is like a slideshow and will flip through galleries automatically.

After you setup everything clicking ok should load the first image of the first gallery again. You can then navigate through images and galleries using a combination of CTRL and the cursor keys. CTRL + Left Arrow loads the next image, CTRL + Right Arrow the previous. CTRL + UP Arrow will load the first image of the next gallery and CTRL + Down Arrow the first image of the previous gallery.

Images that canÂ’t be found will be skipped.

The extension (still) has some limitations. If folder and / or filenames differ from each other it will not work. Some variables like letters that define gallery ranges do not work properly on all occasions which will hopefully be fixed in coming releases.
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