Kontact: The Swiss Army Knife of PIMs

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Golden Master
Source: Kontact: The Swiss Army Knife of PIMs

If you've ever used a PIM (Personal Information Manager) you know how important they can be for both business and personal organization. Most users know Microsoft Outlook. Most Linux users know Evolution. But there is another PIM out there that has more to offer than any other PIM available. That PIM? Kontact.
Kontact is the KDE entry in the groupware client race. It is the proverbial tortoise in a race with one giant hare, but as the race continues, Kontact improves and evolves at a faster pace than any of its competition. Does that mean Kontact is ready to usurp your current groupware client? Probably not, but it is definately worth a long, hard look. With that in mind, let's take a look at the features it offers.
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