How to Auto-Hide Command Bar (aka Folder Band) in Windows Vista and 7 Explorer?

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Golden Master
To make the Command Bar auto-hidden, you'll have to edit the "Shellstyle.dll" file which is present in Theme directory.
For example, if you are using default Window Aero theme, you'll get the "Shellstyle.dll" file in following directory:
You just need to follow these simple steps to make Command Bar auto-hidden:
1. Open "Shellstyle.dll" file in Resource Hacker.
2. Now go to "UIFILE -> 1 -> 1033".
3. Press <Ctrl>+F or click on "View -> Find Text..." option and type following in "Find what" textbox:
<style resid="FolderBandStyle">
4. It'll go to following line of code:
<style resid="FolderBandStyle">
background="argb(0, 0, 0, 0)"
5. Now add following code after <style resid="FolderBandStyle"> line:
<if mousefocused="false" mousewithin="false"><Element padding="rect(0rp,0rp,0rp,-28rp)"/></if>
So that it'll look as following:
<style resid="FolderBandStyle">
<if mousefocused="false" mousewithin="false"><Element padding="rect(0rp,0rp,0rp,-28rp)"/></if>
background="argb(0, 0, 0, 0)"

6. Now click on "Compile Script" button and save the file.
7. Log off or restart to see the changes OR re-apply the theme.
PS: This method will work for all 3rd party themes as well. Simply modify the "Shellstyle.dll" file present in custom theme folder.

How to Auto-Hide Command Bar (aka Folder Band) in Windows Vista and 7 Explorer? - Tweaking with Vishal
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