Have WordPress back-ups emailed

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Golden Master
Have WordPress back-ups emailed

We are always told how important it is to back-up our blog, in case it is hacked, which does actually happen. My personal blog, Webby's World, I am ashamed to admit, has been hacked a few times.
Backing up seems somewhat of a chore and whilst a cron job can be set up, a WordPress plug-in makes backing up a blog's mySQL database absolutely hassle free.
WordPress Database Backup allows database backups to be emailed, saved to a hard disk or saved to a server.
Having the back-up emailed may be favourable, especially if you use a service like Gmail with large amounts of storage and reliable hosting.
A useful trick is to set up a Gmail filter to separate backups so quick access is available. Different tables can be backed up, so spam and statistics can be excluded.
Databases can be gzipped, and the SQL file inside the archive can then just be imported should the weblog to be hacked.
Naturally, WordPress Database Backup does not back up files, so images, templates and plugins must be backed up separately.
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