Google document uploader

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Golden Master
Google has just released a document list uploader to help you upload your stuff in large batches, and this is one smart move, since I had some frustration a while back because of this. Nevertheless, this application is much more that meets the eye.
All you need to do is enter your email address, your password and off you go, you can even get it to place a menu entry into the right-click menu, so you can upload things on the fly. Ok-ok, so why is it more than meets the eye?
The reason I think this is so awesome is that this app is just a sample of what you can do with the Google Api. You can find this app in the articles and tutorials section in the Google Code FAQ, and they have a very extensive and helpful article on the subject. Apart from letting you get to know the uploader, it shows you how to modify the code, how to create balloon tooltips, system tray apps, and a whole host of features.
Google is earning more and more respect in my eyes (it already has a lot) with these new steps they are taking. A few years back we would never have dreamed about this, can you imagine Microsoft creating a public api for anything? Well perhaps in time they will, all thanks to Google, Cheers!

Google document uploader : Welcome To Tech-Dump
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