Fix Windows Vista Resetting Folder View Settings

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Golden Master
Fix Windows Vista Resetting Folder View Settings

Users with many folders on their system might experience an annoying problem in Windows Vista which has already plagued many Windows XP users as well. Windows remembers by default the folder view settings of 200 local folders and 200 network folders initially. Windows Vista remembers 5000 folders which are usually enough for most users.
Some users have more than 5000 folders on their system and they will experience that the folder view is resetting itself whenever the limit is reached. It works like a first in first out cache once the limit has been reached.
Here is what you need to do to fix it (via Redmond Pie): Open the Windows Registry by pressing Windows R, typing in regedit and hitting enter. Now navigate to the Registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software \Classes \Local Settings \Software \Microsoft \Windows \Shell and create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value and name it BagMRU Size. Double-click the entry and give it a value of 10000, double the default amount.
Work with your system for a while and see if all folder view settings are remembered. If it is not enough increase the number a second time to 15000 or even 20000. The same can be applied to Windows XP, the limit in XP seems to be 8000 though.
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