Firefox WYSIWYG Editor for all textareas

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Golden Master
Most textfields or textareas on websites accept only text input. Even more advanced textareas like those that Bloggers use to write articles offer only a handful of options and the webmaster needs to know a fair share of html to be able to arrange the text the way he wants. Ever tried to have an image on the left side and float the text around it ? This can't be done with Wordpress unless you use the float command explicitly.
Xinha Here! steps in and offers a WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get - editor for Firefox which can be activated by right-clicking on a textarea. The editor offers most formatting options known from Word, Open Office and other text editors. It is possible to align text, change the font appearance, insert graphics, tables and all the excellent elements that make a text more readable.

It is important to note that adding elements such as bold or centered text is only possible of the website supports those elements as well. It is for instance not possible to add bold text to a Stumbleupon review although the editor will try to add it.
Bloggers however will love this editor. It adds possibilities to format the text without knowing html at all. This is probably an editor that companies like Wordpress should consider adding to their product. I was always a little bit disappointed by the options of the Rich Text Editor that came with Wordpress, it lacks several basic options like aligning items.
Xinha Here! is installed like any other Firefox extension and can be started by simply right-clicking a textarea and choosing the Xinha Here! entry from the menu that pops up. Text that is already in the textarea is displayed in the Xinha editor as well.
It is then possible to edit the text, import html and text files, save what you have written so far and update the original textarea. Great if you write a lot.
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