Email Prioritizer for Microsoft Outlook

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Golden Master
Email Prioritizer for Microsoft Outlook

If you are running Microsoft Outlook 2007 on Exchange Server and have the guts to test a prototype application from Office Labs then Email Prioritizer might be a tool that has just been created for you.
The free Microsoft Outlook 2007 add-in aims to provide users with a new way to prioritize emails by temporarily halting email delivery and ranking emails to aid the user in selecting the most important emails first.
The add-in adds a new toolbar to Microsoft Outlook 2007 which provides access to the features. Priorities are assigned by making use through a handful of parameters and user input who can select a priority for an email which will use the information to assign priorities to future emails.

The email pause can be set to an interval between 10 minutes and 4 hours. That would be the period that no new emails would arrive in the user's mail inbox.
Please keep in mind that Email Prioritizer is a prototype release. Only brave (or foolish) souls would use a prototype in a work environment.
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