Easy desktop notification system

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Golden Master
Easy desktop notification system

Tired of having to get clever with your bash scripts so that you can be notified when something happens? What if you want instant notification on an event? Say you run a regular backup sync every, oh, 30 minutes and you want to be notified while you're sitting at you computer the minute it happens. Oh sure you can be emailed on an event, but this requires an email server setup and you have to check your email. What if you just want a simple message to pop up on your desktop informing you that your script has succeeded? Well you can have that with the notify-send command.
The notify-send command allows you to display messages right on the desktop via the notification daemon. These messages are fairly unobtrusive, fit it with your desktop scheme, and are really easy to set up in your scripts. And in this article I am going to show you how you can add this little system for easy message pop ups.
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