Book selection 2.0 with LibraryThing

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Golden Master
I'm not kidding, it can sometimes take me 10-20 minutes to figure out what to read. From a book's title you might not be able to derive anything from the story, and even if you read the back cover you may be left in the dark, you definitely won't know what quality the writing is.
LibraryThing, a great online book catalog essentially, helps you a lot because it allows you to manage your bookshelf virtually, but also to give and get recommendations and a whole lot of other info. LibraryThing of course knows all the default things about each book, writer, title, ISBN, publishing info and so on, but it ads an extra layer by providing social information.
People can review a book, tag it, and even have conversations about it, making book choosing much more productive. Actually this time, you may not spend less time, since this is such an absorbing experience, but at least you will choose a good book every time. also supports group creation, private and non-private groups, bookstore info with GoogleMaps integration and a load more. I'll be cataloging my book collection soon, and I hope to find the most awesome books, interacting and sharing my knowledge. I think I'm going to spend a lot more time here than I thought…
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