Automatically Jump To First Text Field

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Golden Master
Source: Automatically Jump To First Text Field

We mentioned a setting for the Firefox web browser earlier today that allowed the usage of the tab key to jump to the first text field on a website.This is handy on websites with no auto focus on the first text field. There was no apparent way, either by installing a Firefox add-on or userscript, to automate that process further by automatically focusing on the first text field on specific sites.
Research for disabling that feature on websites with enabled auto focus led to a Greasemonkey user script that would do exactly what we have been looking for earlier today: A script that would automatically jump to the first text field on selected websites without user interaction. A Greasemonkey script for that purpose is great because of the following reasons:
  • It is not limited to the Firefox web browser but can also be added to other web browser supporting Greasemonkey or those scripts.
  • It can be enabled on specific domains (or all).
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