Access Gmail 2 with Opera 9.5

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Golden Master
A new version of Gmail was introduced a while ago by Google which added several new features, like color labels, to Gmail. So called Gmail 2 is accessible through a link in the upper right corner of the Gmail interface. A click on Newer Version loads the new interface. Apparently though this link is not available for Opera 9.5 users. I'm not sure if it is available for Opera 9.27 users, if anyone could let me know it would be nice.
Google is using some kind of browser check to determine if the link to the new version is shown. It does not even help to mask or identify as another browser in Opera, the link will still not be shown.
Ryan from Cybernet News found a way in and I really have to thank him for finding the following url: If you load Gmail using the parameter nocheckbrowser Gmail will not try and identify the browser and display all the contents in Opera as well.
That's a pretty handy trick if you want to access the new Gmail interface with Opera. The best practice would be to add the url to your bookmarks in Opera if you use Gmail regularly.

Access Gmail 2 with Opera 9.5
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