PlayStation2 Server

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Daemon Poster
I have a PS2 and a Ethernet Network Adapter. I was wondering if I bought the 200 dollar linux kit if it would be possible for me to use the PS2 as a server. I was also wondering what your thoughts on this would be. The linux kit comes with a 40 gig hd so that would be enough space to hold what I want if this is possible. The 300mhz processor could be able to host a very small website. What are your thoughts and opinions?
I dont see why not.

Except that the PS2 Hardware isnt noted for being the most reliable under long-term usage.
Yeah. I am thinking about buying another PS2 and networking them together as one server. But if you think about it, the money I will spend doing that.... I could buy a new PC. But I would like to do something different with the PS2. For now I think I am going to buy the Linux Kit and use one PS2 as a server and see if it goes good. I think the 300mhz processor could handle serving basic html, then if I want to do more I can buy another PS2 and network them together. I will be posting my progress on my Forums when I get this working. I believe I put the link in my sig.
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