Wii graphics

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They wont compare. The Wii doesnt do HD. At all. It was never meant to. It was made for gameplay and fun. Not for great looking games.

Those playing Mario Galaxy and Metroid i think it has some good GFX. But it wont measure up to the 360.
I'll tell you this much. Hook it up to a big tv and play some super smash brothers and you will completely forget that its not HD.
It's not terribly better than a Game Cube but everything is sort of cutesy and stylized for the most part. They're not ugly, they're just different. Like World of Warcraft is far from the latest version of the Unreal Engine but it's still an attractive game and the graphics aren't bad.
if your buying a console for teh graphics then i advise against the wii, the game play and controls are very different and interesting. it's fun for about a week after you get it but then i lost interest in it. but the wii fit board and wii ski is pretty cool.
The wii in my opinion is a disappointment. The graphics could have been better in most games. They compare to a PS2 most of the time, but that's not what upset me. I didn't mind that much at all. What upset me was the lack of use of the technology at hand. I was expecting some amazing sports and action games that would utilize motion sensors to the fullest. Instead, most of the time i never did more than shake my wrist. Most of the games tend to be aimed at young audiences as well, and I personally lost interest and sold mine for a 360.
Ya, they don't compare. I would say they compare better to the PS2, but obviously better. But on a comparison plain, the Wii is MUCH MUCH closer to the PS2 then the 360.
The Wii is miles ahead of the PS2, but still miles behind the 360 and PS3, which, in turn are miles behind the PC. I don't know why people compare it to the PS2, the Wii has at least twice the graphics and CPU power of the PS2. Honestly, the PS2 graphics are ugly compared to the Wii, which actually has nice looking graphics in some games. The games that are well made utilize the mediocre graphics hardware to still produce some pretty nice stuff. Others don't fully utilize the chip because they are just PS2 ports, GC ports, etc or thrown together by a team of low end developers.
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