revolution should sell well if price is right.

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i dont like nintendo at all, but if they price the wii at around 200-250, i think it would sell real well just b/c of curiosty.(spelled worng) playing games like ping pong and tennis sounds like fun w/ that controller. i will not buy the wii, im a pc guy, but i think it has potential.
I hope Nintendo Wii does well, I think Nintendo deserves it for their focus on gaming unlike ther other systems coming out with other agendas.
Nintendo will be releasing at a very nice price point, no doubt. They aren't officially calling it the "wii-mote" neither.
thank god. Still, want to get one. Think I'll get the 360 and Wii, be about the same price as a PS3, plus I like the games on those systems better.
IMO I think the Wii is going to be great. Fanboy or not, the Wii looks really clean! Red Steel OMG! now that is a FPS game where you actually use the Wii controller to aim and stuff. For PC user's who love to play FPS I'd the this console really. As for Nintendo hats off you guys!!
I think it should sell fairly well. It will be good for those who want a new console system but dont have the money too afford the much more expensive systems.
There is no way to really tell whether or not the wii will sell well. It is too new of a concept to justify its selling by the price tag alone.

If there is a console that is what people are used to and want for a couple hundred more versus another one for two hundred and that is unusual and strange to them, I'm betting they will pay the extra two hundred.
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