The possibile things you can do with your XBOX MACHINE!(@!&#)!&$)

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Daemon Poster
ok lets just make a long line of possible things microsoft never wanted us to do with the xbox.

I'll start.

-Install Linux and use it as a computer.

-Use it as a gaming server for online games
(ie. counter-strike, ravenshield etc..)

and the list goes on...?
linux is certainly a big one..

you can install xcommander & basically copy the contents of the disc directly to the xbox hd, no network pc req. or install xbmp & play divx, mp3, and view all your pix. ;)
put a larger hard drive (i would love a 250GB drive in my XBOX mwahahahahaha) and ultra cables in (i cant remember if it is SATA or IDE, i think SATA but it does support the ultra cables, but M$ went the cheap way with crappy normal cables)

install your own dashoboard

set up a server and play HALO online

the list is enormous, as it is more like a PC than any other system before, and weve all spent the last 5-10 years hacking PCs, lol
The console should actually cost much more because its like aslow pc, but m$ decided that they will get all the money form games thats why the games are so damn expensive.
ok lets just make a long line of possible things microsoft never wanted us to do with the xbox.

well i don't think they would want us to desemble it and find out what kind of parts are in it so we can go and make our own.... by the way, did you know that xboxs are assembled in mexico... its what is said on the bottom of my xbox.
To continue the list I say that microsoft never thought anyone was crazy enough to throw it out the window(If it ever happens please send me a picture!)
They're assembled there because they can get away with paying less than 3 dollars an hour. Is it possible to overclock the xbox?

A big one would be playing pc games on the xbox.
Another one is creating an emulator and using it on the xbox to play playstation games.
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