WoW-Warrior Armorsmith or Weaponsmith?

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Fully Optimized
Oakdale, MN
It's about time for my warrior to choose whether he wants to be an Armorsmith or a Weaponsmith. Can anybody help me determine which would be better, or have any input on the subject? I'm leaning towards Weaponsmith but I'd like to hear any other opinions WoW players here may have.
Armorsmith, much more inportant end-game then weapon smith .. unless all you do is PK, then I would say weaponsmith.

With armorsmith you can make dark iron equipment, which is the best gear a tank can get for ragnaros in molten core.

A weapon smith can make alot of nice things but you have to choose what kind you want to be, hammer, axe, etc ... Arc reaper is a fairly nice pattern for weaponsmithing and is great for PvP. Also rogues will pay hundreds of gold for a heartseeker .. that is if you get the patterns.
I'm not sure, this is my first character. I like pvp but I never really do much of it. I really like the idea of being able to create kick ass weapons but armorsmith might be more the way to go.
Also, how many levels can I get out of the Whirl WInd Axe before it becomes "obsolete"? I'm lvl 37 now.
armoursmith, being a living tank is to much fun to pass up (you really cant pass up the option of maxing out toughness and incredible armour) team up with an offensive mage and your unbeatable.
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