StarCraft II Tech-Forums Player List, please sign up if you play!

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think we just need to outsource. PM different friends of ours, and see who plays it. This isn't the most popular forum.
Name: Ikantos
ID: 912
League: Silver
Region: North America
Race: Terran

Just started playing actual matches... I'm awful right now but will be getting good fairly quickly most likely (I was top 300 in the US in AOE3).
Name: Spit
ID: don't remember, will update when I get home
League: Diamond
Region: NA
Race: Protoss/Random
Name: Grinningsage
ID: 454
League: Bronze
Region: US
Race: Protoss

I don't really play to much, only here and there. Fun game!
Finally, we get some ppl in here... Don't have enough for a clan, but if you know other friends that play, more the merrier.
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