Oblivion Screenshots, what type of card used?

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Daemon Poster
So I was surfing through the Oblivion screenshots and preview videos and the views were amazing, and the Oblvion website stated that they were not renders, they are pics and video of actual gameplay.
Sooo, what type or class of graphics card do you think they used in order to get that amazing quality?
Geez, thats nice, too bad I cant afford that...
Think an X800GTO would give a good enough experience though?
X800GTO only has SM 2.0, where as X1000 and Geforce 6 & 7 series have SM 3.0 I would recommend agianst the X800GTO and go with a 6800GS or higher.
You will need SM3.0 for Oblivion to get those graphics. X800 doesn't have SM3.0. Get a GeForce 6 or 7 or ATI X1000.
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