New Gmod Dedicated Server

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In Runtime
I made a new dedicated server for gmod, its KillerHex's 1337 server. for those who cant read 1337, |<!||3|2 |-|3X is the admin(me). funny story about that, i was playing on it and i warned somebody that what they were doing could crash the server and they replied, "I've done some crazy **** on this server and it never-- wait, you're killerhex!" to wich i replied," you make me laugh, I won't ban you."

anyways I do ban alot so dont abuse the sweps, dont kill when no one else wants to be, no racist and or homophobic stuff, and DON'T KILL MY SCANNERS!!!
well... yeah
So.......wheres the IP? Don't tell me I have to go through that hamachi stuff
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