HL 2 Help!!!

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Nubius said:
bah why would you want to go BACK under it? Besides it's fun to drive your car straight down the tracks and narrowly miss the oncoming train :p

I am talking about on the way back from shooting down the gunship, i cant get up, so i go under.

You cannot cross on your buggy till you knock out the shields
Okay I am still stuck. what am I doing wrong??
How do I get on top f the bridge or where I have to go?
I am talking about on the way back from shooting down the gunship, i cant get up, so i go under.
bah no crap dude, that's what I told him....you go under once...flip the switch that turns off the shields on top...go back to the other side, again being under it...and THEN you go on top.

How do I get on top f the bridge or where I have to go?
Like I said above, after you've flipped that switch go all the way back across....theres a little hill at the very very beginning of the bridge that you could either climb up on your own or using the turbo or just simply get a good headstart you get your car up there
Ugh, I hated the damn train part of it. I was cruising across the bridge and decided to use the turbo, and then the damn autosave kicks in, I see the train coming, and since I use my turbo, I can't beat it. I spent about 10 tries getting dinged by it and the stupid "mission failed" coming up, and I was still alive and thinking wtf?

SO then I realized the buggy can't touch the train, so in the end I have to turn around and outrun the train that's riding my arse.

But yeah, pull the switch, cross the bridge, shoot down the ships, go back and get your buggy, and ride across the bridge.
hmm...I never had a train riding my ass and I was able to BARELY turn in time to avoid the oncoming train
Okay but wneh I hit the switch the screen on that damn computer says gridge access inactive

the switch is next to the computer, maybe u didnt hit it :p it should change color, a gunship should appear and then u go make ur way back to ur car
lol seriously dude, I don't understand why you're having so many problems with this one easy little spot especially after we've all told you how to get past it.

If theres a switch, then hit it dude, then go back to the beginning of the bridge, climb up the hill and walk across it
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