Half-Life 1 RGB Color issue

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Solid State Member
Well I think the images speak for itself, I have a rather adequate PC runs the latest games pretty well...i recently installed HL to play the mods again but they screw up for some reason because there is a tinge which covers the screen it does a transition to normal to red to green then blue...VERY smoothly as if it was on purpose.
This is very very unusual.....I have no other graphical issues with my computer besides this im using a Radeon 9200 SE...this was not actually installed on the adminstrator account (both HL and the mod)

which may relate to it..and the wackiness of the colors DOES NOT OCCUR in software mode.

Norm: (tis a bit dark because it was just about to change color)




Get new Vid card drivers, install it on the admin account (donno why u didnt do that in the first place)..... make sure you have latest version of DirectX, AND Open GL (also with my R9600XT in Win98 the far away buildings have the same weird color problems, and smoke is somtimes solid black).. i cant figure it out either, but Omega drivers seem to work better, and although the problem wasnt fixed, it wasnt enough of a problem to mess with my game much.. but that red blue green crap would annoy the HELL out of me....
it had to do with the SMARTSHADER effect under the ATI control center..well that is fixed
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