Great FarCry 2 news

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Nah i think they were pretty high or that explosion wouldnt of looked so good i just think its the fact that the quality of video was pretty low and the lighting was bad.
meh EBGames told me they aren't releasing it till wednesday, going along with all the tv advertising stating the same. IDC anymore lol, I'll be playing fable anyway.

That's a pretty sweet explosion by the way.

The bullet explosion thing really bugs me because that just isn't how it works, but i'll just have to train myself to get over it.
Just pretend theres a white phosphur grenade or incendiary grenade underneath all the explosives and bullets, which superheats them and they fire off because the gunpowder in the bullet cases reaches ignition temperature, and there all really tightly compressed simulating a very small gun barrell :)

Its highly improbably but by no means impossible.
lol. I don't care what happens, bullets will not fire with deadly force without being put in a tube, facing the right way, and packed against the back :p The casing is heavier than the bullet, and they both just shoot in seperate derections usually without even enough force to break glass, let alone kill someone :p a .50 cal round would make a pretty big bang, and cause some damage just cause its so friggin big, but even that would be mostly blunt force. Like getting hit with a bean bag gun.
Maybe if you get smoked right in the eyeball. Ridiculously improbable, but not impossible i suppose :p

Anyhow it doesn't matter, it still looks cool :/

And so much for black and white lol. forgot there was no autosave and just lost a good 5 hours to a crash. uninstalled that in a hurry :p lol
oblivion here i come.
Haha, i guess. Yes well i successfully managed to get oblivion to use 3.7Gb of ram with no other applications open :p

But that was ridiculous settings, my FPS must of been about 15 to 25 when i made the settings that mad (I set the Draw distance to 6x what it was originally, floor texture tiles to 4x the size, grass fade distance 4x the distance, water had 4x as many ripples/reflections) and a whole host of other crap.

But hey, it looked REALLY nice.
wow if u get the game from uncle torrence u can't play it but u can still use the map editor. I am still going to buy this when it comes out but i just had to check it out anyway heres a screenshot of what im working on in it

What makes it unplayable?
yeah it says something about the releaqse date but the editor still plays if u hunt it down in the far cry 2 directory
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