FF online

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You must of been on the most crowded server! My server was usually 2500-3500 people on. Highest I see was 2.5k and it was because some huge clan was going to go fight tiamat(big dragon)

If I remember right it was right outside of Bastok, so many people got chocobos in so little time the price rocketed. They had those free chocobo ride coupons in the AH but they were always higher than the price of the chocobo.
THe games been seriously overhauled with 4 expansions and the huge update they still do every 3 months. 3000 gil means nothing. 3000 gil is like 20 silver in WoW. Chocobos cost at most like 200gil weekends it might go up to 400 or so.
People also have their own chocobo's they can raise now, and call for free whenever you want.
They've also done a killer job on banning real money traders so the economy is quite stable now.

And the game is no more linear than wow. "kill10 of these 10 of these and 5 of these", "collect 15 of these", "kill this monster" ^^.
It's also far from dead as there is still a good load across 10 or 15 servers. WoW does have more people that play but idc they can have the kids. I can walk around and not listen to OMGWTFBBQ NUBSAUCE!!!?/ XD

Auto-tranlate beats everything XD

but yeah paying 12$ a month can be a bummer if you're used to playing for free, but i can afford 3$ a week so idc.

It's still a good game, and looks good if you force AA with your graphics card. Loads of fun but it takes a lot of time.
You probably get 2 or 3 wow characters to 70 before getting 1 job to 75 in ff. A lot of endgame stuff has to be planned ahead of time because of the extreme difficulty.

its not for everyone but ive got about 2500 hours into it so far and still goin strong. (you can check playtime lol)
It is kind of sad how many kids play WoW. I would like it much more if the community was made up of mature adults. I would still have to stick with WoW though. I doubt any other MMORPG will be as popular as WoW is.
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