Is this fast?

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more than enough
i have 1500/384
and i get 16 ping in cs source at the best
usually 28 tho
Yeah thats fine as long as its stable... Remember games like CSS don't use all of your connection speed... There are server set limits.
i use 2.5mb/800kb ADSL and it runs in all servers, its great for online games, i play doom3, painkiller, mohaa, nascar 2003 online, runs awesome.
DSL > CABLE for gaming

the download speed doesn't matter, but your upload is pretty nice

it'll be a great connection for games
Well actually I can play games pretty well on my 10mb full duplex connection, and it's also completely free of charge.
_OvErClOcKeD_ said:
i use 2.5mb/800kb ADSL and it runs in all servers, its great for online games, i play doom3, painkiller, mohaa, nascar 2003 online, runs awesome.

Who's offering DSL at that ratio, we dont usually do that in Canada.

Yours is 3.125 : 1 where we are usually 5:1

EDIT: Diablo, download speed does matter. In a perfect situation you would want a 2:1 ratio for download to upload for gaming.
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