Far Cry

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Yea, i don't know how many times I died in that level. It seems like the creators of that game couldn't figure out a good ending so they just put as many large enemies as possible in one room to make for a next-to-impossible final level.
beedubaya said:
Yea, i don't know how many times I died in that level. It seems like the creators of that game couldn't figure out a good ending so they just put as many large enemies as possible in one room to make for a next-to-impossible final level.

Seconded. I honestly gave up trying to beat it (on Realistic, that is :snob: ), thus I've never completed Far Cry...
hehe, the big world of gaming, u just gota love it. And yea, its not only you, that last level... enough said. :D
sounds like it more anying than the last level in the ORGINAL HALF LIFE.
The last level is really easy if you play it right.


All you have to do is push one of the chairs in the ammo room into the first door so you can get back in whenever you want. From inside you can kill the fat boys at your leisure without taking fire from outside. If you are in the right spot they sometimes do not even fire at you. Once you lure and kill all the fatboys, skirmish and kill the other enemies. I did it with taking very very little damage to my body armor, then refilled all my ammo.
psht the last level was easy what are you guys talking about.....I didn't take any damage at all......

cough coughgodmodecough cough haha....

yeah yeah it's cheap, but meh, I like to just rush through games and see what they have to offer depending on what it is though, some I cheat, some I play legit, depends on the game.....far cry just made me want to cheat my way through
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