DirectX11 Comeing end of '08

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Even dx9 is still holding out pretty good, but no they just have to release dx11, which all of our cards that we spent at least $200 dont support. Pure BS.
i wish i could just walk up to the CEO of nvidia and say, "you have 15 minutes to turn in your letter of resignation...14 of which have already been used."
are you saying dx1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are failures too? It's updating
4 was not realeased...if it's not released, you can consider it a failure....if a new version is's just a new version, substantially newer as to not be branded with decimals.
Ignorance is bliss.

indeed. lol.

i happen to love dx10. no issues at all. heck there still aren't even many games using it.

when dx11 comes out it will be the same old crap that's been going on between 9 and 10.

history repeats itself.

atomic tofu said:
are you saying dx1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are failures too? It's updating

4 was not realeased...if it's not released, you can consider it a failure....if a new version is's just a new version, substantially newer as to not be branded with decimals.

lol it seems anything he doesn't like is a failure ;p
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