Star Trek: The Movie (Game)

That was my game back in the day. I actually was the number one ranked player on Xbox Live... and still would be if they hadn't shut down the servers :mad:

I miss that game so much. Last I checked, I couldn't even play it on the 360 by itself anymore. Which sucks, because single player was just as good.
Wait, because MP servers went down you can't play SP games? That is the worst BS ever. Seriously.
Cutting right to the chase here: Star Trek the game is a bag of crap. Plus, it's the campaign and nothing more. A campaign that can be knocked out in a few hours.

Just when the Wolverine game makes a good name for licensed titles (and even then it's still average), Star Trek sets them back.
I've played all the games I consider great, and the next game I want to play I wont be able to. I was actually hoping for some decent co op action with this game.
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