Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes


Tactical Espionage Poster
Shadow Moses
Today in Tokyo, Konami showed off its brand new Fox Engine with a demonstration. The engine's demo ran footage of something called Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes.

The thing is, this is not just a tech demo. This is an upcoming, new, open-world Metal Gear Solid game.
"This announcement is a challenge from Kojima Productions to the world," said Hideo Kojima.

The footage showed off how the engine can handle weather (like rain) as well as clothing textures and lighting.

In the demo, Snake crawled to avoid some searchlights. After a quick stealth kill, he hopped in a jeep and called in a helicopter for evac. The concept behind Ground Zeroes is that this is a "Game without Game Over". So even if a player is discovered in this stealth title, the part where the game would usually end (their discovery) turns into their escape. It sounds like Kojima Productions is adding a new spin to the sneaking genre—a genre the developer is a master of.

"Sounds like MG, but the scale & atmosphere... Wow," tweeted game localizer Mark MacDonald of 8-4.

The demo was running on a PC at current-gen specs, and its wow-factor seemed to impress those in attendance. It's also been designed with the Xbox 360 and PS3 in mind.

The Fox Engine, however, isn't only for current gen. Konami is positioning the Fox Engine for both Cloud gaming and next gen consoles.

Konami prohibited photography of the demo during this event, but you can see the first images below.

Took this from Kotaku. I can't wait til they release the footage for this.
man, I wish I could get into the MGS series... the store is way to conviluted for me to dive into now... plus i hate stealth games, i am more of a run in guns blazing kinda guy. Which is also why i never got into the Sam Fisher games... dont recall its title but remember the character
MGS4 should have been the end of the Snake story. I'm not opposed to another MG but I am opposed to another MG starring Snake. His story is done. Continue with someone else. Someone else that is NOT Raiden.
The pic of the game shows a younger big boss snake, so I think it may still be a prequel. There are almost as many prequel games in this series as there are present day releases.

ajacks - there is a handy MGS database you can download off of PSN for free. It'll fill in any plot points you may have missed.
Ghost... i dont play MGS for the same reason I dont play Final Fantasy games... the stories are too hard to follow. Resident Evil was/is heading that way... DMC is already there
Ajacks, shut up and play MGS3. It's better than any other game you've played thus far in your life.
I'd place it ahead of Bioshock and Borderlands. I found Borderlands tedious and boring though so that doesn't say much.
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