Call of Duty: Black Ops Map Pack, First Strike: Pack 1

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Yeah, I'm really confused about what Mak is trying to argue about.

Edit: Just figured it out. Mak thought I meant Microsoft pays there way out of anything they want, but what I meant was that they are soo rich that they can pay out of anything they want in response to the comment about them paying out the rear.
Which is like what they have done with most things.. The whole copying Java incident and much more. The point is, they want it to be exclusive for a bit and that is what they are getting. There is no other explanation given Craptivisions history, they wouldn't release it exclusively for now, unless there was something it for them.
Yea, well more power to them I suppose. I was not downing them. I am actually kind of glad because I do 95% of my gaming on the 360 so it is better for me..
I am so getting this map pack, the first 10 seconds it is released.
Now only if my internet wasn't so slow.
Nice find. Excited. Hopefully they'll get one up soon to show off the zombie map too. I'm not much of a zombie guy, but I still want to see it.
Yea, not a bad first look but would have liked to seen a small part of the zombie map as well. Still find it odd that they are just now showing the maps. I think the 4 multiplayer maps look good though.
A bit expensive If I must say bit since its Black Ops I will get it ASAP. I wonder why they do not release it on the same date for everyone though.
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