Anyone miss...?

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Does anyone miss the old intro's that games used to have? I remember purchasing a game for Sega or Nintendo, even PS1 and a few PS2 games that would have awesome intro's when you first loaded the game.

I remember a lot of sports games having extremely good infroductions that really impressed me. Now i purchase a game and i get a bunch of sponsors before i can even get to the menu screen.

Anyone else miss the old intro's?
Sponsers? Never played a game with sponsors at the start. The Publisher, Developer(s), yes...
I like Left 4 Dead's intro, it's very reminiscent of the old type of intros :)
Yea, you always get: "plays best on nvidia" or "meant for Intel's supermicronanometerubercomputer!" blah blah blah

Usually the intros are now part of the campaign/game. They start after you start a new game, but yea I know what you are saying. Those were the days...
Yea, you always get: "plays best on nvidia" or "meant for Intel's supermicronanometerubercomputer!" blah blah blah

Oh right I forgot about those >_< I guess they never really bothered me, and if they did I'd just do my best to mod them out if they weren't skippable.
Does anyone miss the old intro's that games used to have? I remember purchasing a game for Sega or Nintendo, even PS1 and a few PS2 games that would have awesome intro's when you first loaded the game.

I remember a lot of sports games having extremely good infroductions that really impressed me. Now i purchase a game and i get a bunch of sponsors before i can even get to the menu screen.

Anyone else miss the old intro's?

Yes, it irritates me so!

I love COD's aspects that show shows you their best trailer at the beginning, it might say Infinity War or Treyarch, but its not so abrasive as Intel's or nVidia's advertising
meh, most of the games i play have good intro's. Particularly assassins creed's intro, i was very impressed the first time i watched it. People may disagree, but dang i love ubisoft games, have not played one yet that i did not like. Funny thing is it is a Canadian based company.
I know what you mean. Launching a MMO now a days will most likely just pour my brain with Sponsors and Dev. =(
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