Anyone like Saints Row 2?

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hahaha. I was comin into this thread and gonna mention that I never played it, but I seen the zero punct vid and looks like fun. XD

That guy is seriously funny.

I couldn't play GTAIV. Got it for xbox, and it just wasn't fun compared to GTA3 and vice city. Even san andreas.

agreeed. i dont play GTAIV much at all now since i got saint's row 2 and dead space and soon i'll be getting fallout 3 midnight club LA. is midnight club any good??.
So how is Saints Row 2? I'm a huge GTA fan, but I agree that GTA could use some more mindless fun, and less calls from the cousin :p

well yeah saint's has mindlees fun in it you've got the madnees thing which is an activaty where you go around blowing **** up, and than you have the septic revenger or avenger or what ever it was activatey prety much self explantory i hope. we need more game's with mindlees fun in store.
i just finished saint's row 2. i was kinda disapointed with the end cut scene. im gonna retry the whole game on a higher difcultiey leval now. just to get my money's worth out of it
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