Must Have Computer Geek Films / TV Series

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I've seen both, and I don't see how they're connected, other than being 80s movies :s
Sorry, mate, but taking a sci-fi classic and screwing with it is way beyond taboo to any geek. While I liked the movie (no Sh*tner, yay), I was horribly disappointed with what they did. yes, yes, I know about alternate realities and that BS, but they still changed almost everything about the franchise in a single movie. This marks it off the list for me.

And I'm not even a Trekkie.

A large number of diehard Trek fans loved the newest. One of the reasons it was praised so highly. I'm not a Trekkie at all either but I loved what they did to make it fit into today's cinema. Same as they did with Bond, although the second wasn't great because of the writer's strike.
I def gotta catch up on Stargate, never seen it before. I'll prob get a couple of episodes. Def gotta get Battle Star Galactica. You gotta get Matrix, STar Trek Next Gen (all time fav), Starwars Series, gotta get some LOTR, and throw in a little bit of Inception (cgi is amazing and story is pretty good).
Missing some Kubrick

2001: A Space Odyssey
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
A Clockwork Orange
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