Recursively encrypt directories with gpgdir

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Golden Master
Source Recursively encrypt directories with gpgdir

Recently I wrote an article about Encrypting and decrypting files with GnuPG. This article described how to encrypt single files in with the help of gpg. But what happens if you have a directory full of files? Sure you can tar the directory up and encrypt the files as a single file. But that isn't very practical when you don't want to have to tar and untar a directory all the time. And what if you only want to encrypt certain files within a directory? That is when you need the help of another application.
The application you need is gpgdir. The gpgdir application allows you to recursively encrypt and decrypt directories on your Linux system. It's an easy to use command line tool that can save you a lot of time when you have to do a lot of encryption of files. In this article you will see how to install gpgdir and use it for basic directory encryption/decryption.
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