Add transparent windows with transset

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Golden Master
Source: Add transparent windows with transset

In my last post I instructed you how Adding dropshadows in Fluxbox with xcompmgr was easy to do.In this installment we are going to take this one step further and and transparencies - only this time we are going to do this in Enlightenment. Why Enlightenment? Besides being my favorite Linux window manager, it also works with transparencies better than Fluxbox. The reason for this is Enlightenment was built with compositors in mind. If you were to try this in Fluxbox you would find that the minute you moved a window, the transparency would disappear.
With that in mind…what exactly are we doing? For the most part this all is nothing more than “proof of concept stuff”, all of which was brought to fruition in Compiz. But for those who do not want to use Compiz, or are using a window manager that does not work with Compiz, this little “proof of concept” is the perfect trick for getting a bit more eye candy on your desktop
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