input device


Daemon Poster
so, this morning i made my first on screen notes on a webpage using win 10 and edge. using the left click button and the "mousepad" of my laptop, and my finger. needless to say, it was not exceptionally legible or neat. i have wanted a pen type of device for more than a decade to use in the paint program, where i do a lot of sketching of diagrams for projects to use as a blueprint of sorts. but when i inquired about such a device at the computer store, i was told that what they had that would work was $129.99. which for sketching, is a lot of dough. i looked a few minutes ago @ amazon, and there were several "pen type" devices that were in the $50.00 ball park. which isn't cheap, but a lot better than the $130 i was quoted 8 or 9 years ago. but i am not certain if such a device would work on the mousepad of my laptop or not. so i am asking for direction on what i would need to be able to write a much more legible script on webpages and in paint. and is there a way to be able to use it on my desktop?
If you want an actual drawing tablet style device, look on Amazon for a Wacom Bamboo. They have several models, and their "base models" are pretty cheap. $50-60 or so for one.
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