I need a TV! But what to go with?

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Daemon Poster
Goal: 1080P TV
Use: 80% Gaming, 15% Watching Adult Swim, 5% Other
Needs: At least 1 HDMI (I can make due with a splitter/other means) PERFECT color (no bleeding images) NO LAG, NO STUTTER my games are super important, I can't be pwning super mutants with a jittering screen!

Budget: Around $400

Size: Above 26"

LCD/Plasma/LEDLCD - I don't care as long as suggested TVs are good - you've used them, someone you know, or you own it now, etc. No Marketing Hype! I also don't care about brand, as long as the same conditions are met. If you personally have used a "Samsung XyXyyxX model" and it's the shiz nit - and it's availble now for roughly my price range - suggest it!

HELP ME CT Forums, Your my only hope!
Most LED LCD TV's are great for gaming these days.

In all honesty you can't go far wrong. Just go on amazon, and find the best reviewed one that meets your budget. If it's not to your standard you can always return it.
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