Lord of the Rings Online Free to Play

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Yeah, all the free version really is is a glorified trial. For anyone that likes the game, they pay monthly, or more likely every three months so it is only $10. I used to play, love it, but there is no reason for me to play this free version. I would play the game again if I could play the whole thing free, but not what they are offering.

And yeah, the reviews are opinions, but they try to match the opinions of the majority or they would be worthless. They're never drastically off in my opinion. FFXIV is probably better than a 4. Ign gave it a 5.5. That's probably more appropriate. They usually only rate half a point higher than gamespot. Then again, they didn't waste a video review on it.
Hmm Well I loved LOTR MMO. I played wow i hated it. If you get the tp by doing skirmishes it is completely free you can pay and get things faster but thats the only difference really. If i could pay for this game i would. Also trusting a reviewers opinion of the majority is like trusting a politician to have your back you just dont why because theres money or fanboy backing the words, js.
Yeah, all the free version really is is a glorified trial. For anyone that likes the game, they pay monthly, or more likely every three months so it is only $10. I used to play, love it, but there is no reason for me to play this free version. I would play the game again if I could play the whole thing free, but not what they are offering.

And yeah, the reviews are opinions, but they try to match the opinions of the majority or they would be worthless. They're never drastically off in my opinion. FFXIV is probably better than a 4. Ign gave it a 5.5. That's probably more appropriate. They usually only rate half a point higher than gamespot. Then again, they didn't waste a video review on it.
In all honesty i think all game reviews are worthless anyways, and pretty much over glorified. Kinda like critics with their 2 thumbs up with movies.
Yeah, all the free version really is is a glorified trial. For anyone that likes the game, they pay monthly, or more likely every three months so it is only $10. I used to play, love it, but there is no reason for me to play this free version. I would play the game again if I could play the whole thing free, but not what they are offering.

Pretty much what one of the guys that I game with said too.
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