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Solid State Member
Dear Users,
I've used this Dell Dimension 8400, Pentium 4 3.60 GHZ, CPU 560 for 6 years now usually without problems.
Even though this is true, it's always run hot according to HD monitors and Speedfan 4.0 which says I'm running with a core temp of 80-81 C and a GPU of 80-81C. Hard drives are always around 50-51C.

I know for a fact that Dell does not have temp monitors so I really don't know where these Core and GPU are coming and If I can't monitor the temp, how can I tell I'm running hot over the max recommended operating temperatures for the chip (Minimum/Maximum operating temperature (°C) ? 5 - 72.8) ?

Also, what can I do about it?

I'd appreciate your input.
Welcome to Tech-Forums, ameneses!!!

Use HWMonitor, coretemp, or Everest instead and report the readings back to us:
CPUID - HWMonitor
Core Temp
Lavalys - Comprehensive IT Security and Management

Never trusted Speedfan's readings. Does the BIOS report the same temperatures?

First thing you'd want to do is clean the dust out. Dusts can raise temperatures or prevent fans from running at their optimum, which would lead to overheating.

Thank you for your reply.
I downloaded and ran CPUID MONITOR and as I suspected, the temp reported (80C) as GPU core is for the NVIDIA 6800 video card, both hard drives are at 51C.
Entering BIOS with the Del Dimension 8400 renders NO information on temperature.
Considering all the above I'm just surmising that the processor is running hot.
Buy the way, I just did a thorough cleaning of the comp components inside.
Still frustrated.
Are you having restarts or any problems because of temperatures? Or you're just worried that you may have a problem in the future?
Are you having restarts or any problems because of temperatures? Or you're just worried that you may have a problem in the future?

No restarts , but as my hard drives are so hot I started worrying about the core temp.
Rethinking, the freezes are not due to temperature, or may I say probably not because I don't know the core temp.

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