screen size

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Baseband Member

I've got another html/css problem I was hoping someone could help with!

I've designed a site:
Top horizontal band across the top containing logo and login button..
Next band is the horizontal nav bar menu..
Next band is an image (1280x300)..
Next band is just an off white colour with some text and another button..
Next band is the footer..on which I have details such as address (on the left side of the footer) network details (which is on the right) and a small sitemap which is at the bottom of the footer in the middle.

I have everything set as width: 100% in the stylesheet which works because it sets everything to stretch across the screen if I zoom out a bit...everything except the picture because obviously it's an image.

While it looks fine on my laptop, having tried it on another, more widescreen monitor, everything is aligned to the left, as you can see in this screenshot (I have all details stripped - screenshots :: screen.png picture by twalsh1892 - Photobucket)

I was wondering what I can do so that everything aligns to the center, even on zoom out, or on a bigger monitor?

Any help would be really appreciated..

Have you tried opening it in a different browser, to see if Internet Explorer is the cause?
Use this in the main container of your webpage:

margin: 0px auto;

This forces the browser to determine the margins for left and right, automatically centering all content no matter the window size.
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