Protecting Mysql access from Web Master

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Solid State Member
I need to fire my company's web master tomorrow. In case if he will do any damage to our company's web site. I need to change all the pw to block his access. I'm going to change the ftp pw that is no problem for me. Also I 'm afraid to change the Mysql user pw because I know there are many files contains the db connection. If I change the Mysql user pw then it will have a great chance some page will not work. Want to know if there is anything I can do to block outside remote access for Mysql server? That way I can leave everything as it is and wait for a new web master coming to do the changing pw as I'm not too knowledge about that. Or is there anything you suggest me to do when a web master is leaving? Thank you in advance!
you could block remote access to the webserver, but this would block all remote access to the box.

By default mysql uses port 3306. block this port with a firewall or a ip filter.
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