Need help badly: Pascal conversion to C

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I have this task to convert a pascal code (from AS400) to C (ILE C). I haven't used Pascal for my programming so this would be the first hands on coding on Pascal that I would ever do. How can I convert the following declarations?

Code Set #1:
ddsrec = packed array(.1..92.) of char;
dp1 = @ddr;
ddr = packed record
       case integer of
       1 : (
       p11 : array(.1..3.) of dp1;
       srcseq : packed array(.1..6.) of char;
       srcdat : packed array(.1..6.) of char;
       seqno : packed array(.1..5.) of char;
       ftype : char;
       aoc  : char;
       cinds : packed array(.1..9.) of char;
       ntype : char;
       dummy : char;
       name : packed array(.1..10.) of char;
       reference : char;
       dataln : packed array(.1..5.) of char;
       data_type : char;
       dec_pos : packed array(.1..2.) of char;
       usage : char;
       line : packed array(.1..3.) of char;
       col : packed array(.1..3.) of char;
       funct : packed array(.1..36.) of char
       2 : (
       p12 : array(.1..3.) of dp2;
       dds : ddsrec;
I have tried doing the following:
typedef struct {
   union {
      struct {
         /*dp1 p11[3];*/
         char srcseq[6];
         char srcdat[6];
         char seqno[5];
         char ftype;
         char aoc;
         char cinds[9];
         char ntype;
         char dummy;
         char name[10];
         char reference;
         char dataln[5];
         char data_type;
         char dec_pos[2];
         char usage;
         char line[3];
         char col[3];
         char funct[36];
      } ddrua;
      struct {
         /*dp2 p12[3];*/
         ddsrec dds;
      } ddrub;
   } ddru;
} ddr;
typedef ddr *dp1;

Is this correct? And as you can see, I have placed /*dp1 p11[3];*/ as a comment because I was not able to convert the line.

Code Set #2:
1100 type
1500    ddsrec = packed array(.1..92.) of char;
14600    sfdp = @sfd;
14700    sfd = packed record
14800       next : sfdp;
14900       name : string(10)
15000       first : ddscp;
15100       last : ddscp;
15200       win_row : integer;
15300       win_col : integer;
15400       win_width : integer;
15500       win_depth : integer;
15600    end;

16300 var
16600    sfchain,tempsfdp:sfdp;
17300    sfl1 : boolean;
18700    format : string(20)
26900 {Save subfile help details for later}
27100 procedure save_sfhelp(d:ddsrec)
27200 begin
27300    if sfl1 then
27400    begin
27500       new(tempsfdp)
27600       with tempsfdp@ do
27700       begin
27800          next := sfchain;
27900          sfchain := tempsfdp;
28000          first := nil;
28100          last := nil;
28200          name := format;
28300       end;
28400       sfl1 := false;
28500    end;
30100 end;

Kindly ignore the line numbers. I have used them as personal reference. How will i be able to convert tempsfdp@ and the statement using with? C has no with syntax. I apoligize for so many queries. Hope you can help me.
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