Javascript Question ?

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Graphic Designer
What kind of error is "ACCESS IS DENIED"? I have a page which consists of multiple scripts and everything works fine. Sometimes on IE and Firefox it says ERROR ON PAGE line (random mostly) Access is denied, however, it works fine. Does anyone know what the **** is it? It is really anoying watching it on the Status bar.
What kind of error is "ACCESS IS DENIED"? I have a page which consists of multiple scripts and everything works fine. Sometimes on IE and Firefox it says ERROR ON PAGE line (random mostly) Access is denied, however, it works fine. Does anyone know what the **** is it? It is really anoying watching it on the Status bar.

Probably something wrong with the scripts...? It's that or the browser... the browsers should be unlikely though, since it's on both. If you give me a link that does as you say (for me), I can try to see if I can figure it out. :happy:
It's home based interface, not uploaded on website, script works just fine, but there are some inappropriate of denied access errors, of which sometimes the line that error has occured is BLANK! I just wanted to know what type of errors are that. Thanks for the assistance anyway.

P.S I have to add that errors coccur when have used a script function and click on the document, there are inline frames in the structure additionally. Hopefully the errors are only shown in status bar and do not prompt the user except if on an error event loader. Here's a shot of a regular prob :


P.S. 2 The script files (if they help, I marked what I think of suspicious cause it has an enormous size) :


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Music Pad</title>
<style type="text/css">
a:visited {
color: #A4CCF9;
.style2 {
margin-bottom: 0px;
.style3 {
margin-bottom: 3px;

<body onkeypress="KEYPRESSED()" onresize="non2()" onmousemove="non()" onerror="assa()" bgcolor="white" onhelp="alert('No help is currently available')" background="Guide%20Files/backround.jpg" onunload="demove()">

<div style="position: absolute; width: 111px; height: 104px; z-index: 1; left: 82px; top: 7px" id="layer1">
<a href="../Media%20Center/Media%20Center.htm">
<img border="0" title="Go back to media center" src="Guide%20Files/MC.jpg" width="113" height="113"></a></div>

<p>                                                                     <br>
                                               <img border="0" onclick="wmp()" title="Open Windows Media player" src="Guide%20Files/WMP.jpg" width="110" height="108"><br>
 <form name="A" action="" method="get">


<Script Language="JavaScript"><!--
// Code created by MiST Corp Michael Stagkos 2007
function changeIt(ImageToChange, ImageToShow) {
if (document.images) { document[ImageToChange].src = ImageToShow; } }
function bar(message) {
if (document.images) { window.status = message; return true } }
if (document.images) {
o1 = new Image;
o1.src = "Guide Files/LG2.jpg";
// --></Script>

<!-- image 1 -->
<a href="Nice"
title="MiST Corp"
onMouseOver="changeIt('img1','Guide Files/LG2.jpg');
return bar('MiST Corporation MUSIC GUIDE')"
onMouseOut="changeIt('img1','Guide Files/LG1.jpg');
return bar('Document: Done')">
<img border="0" name="img1" title="Click to be directed to the music folder :" src="Guide Files/LG1.jpg" width="96" height="124"></a> <font size="7">
</font><iframe name="I1" src="Nice" width="204" height="120">
Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently configured not to display inline frames.
</iframe><font size="7">  </font><img border="0" src="Guide%20Files/FG1.jpg" title="Click to open the song" onclick="data(this.form)" width="172" height="166"><br>
                                                   <input name="butt1" type="button" onclick="back()" value="BACK"><input name="butt2" type="button" value="FORWARD" onclick="forward()"></p>



//Music db

function data(form) {

alert("Press enter to play the song")

/* Test function :
To be hidden
Michael Stagkos */


//The demove function is to slide down the page when location gets closed or changed

function demove() {
for (vsx = 1; vsx <90; vsx++) {



function back() {



function forward() {





function one() {



for (vlf = 1; vlf < 45; vlf++) {



function non() {



function non2() {

function noa() {




function KEYPRESSED() {

alert("Keypressing is disabled when not on the tab (INLINE FRAME)")




//Error handler

function assa() {

alert("An error has occured")



function wmp() {"C:\\c.bat")



<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">


<div style="position: absolute; width: 205px; height: 27px; z-index: 2; left: 119px; top: 440px" id="layer2">
<b><a style="text-decoration: none" href="Guide%20Files/ZOORADIO.pls">
<a style="text-decoration: none" href="">


<p align="center">

<div style="position: absolute; left: 252px; top: -7px; width: 198px; height: 57px; z-index: 11" id="layer18" class="style3">
<iframe name="I2" id="I2" src="../Media%20Center/ADDON%20A2.htm" style="width: 220px; height: 39px" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="0" class="style2">Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently configured not to display inline frames.


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