Java helpz!

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In Runtime
Hi, I need help with this excersise for java. I don't know how to do this very well but it says this, and it should be pretty easy to do, but I need to see how it's done to understand it, thanx and plz help.

Implement a class Circle that has methods getArea() and getPermeter(). In the constructor, supply the radius of the circle.

I have a test on this tommorow! And I need to know how to do similar programs, I sorta get it, but it's still not right. Programming is obviously something I am not good at.
This isn't too hard to do. Go and read the section on declaring constructors.

public class Circle{

      private double radius, area, perim;
      private double pi = 3.14159;

      public Circle(double rad){
           radius = rad;
           area = pi*radius*radius;
           perim = 2*pi*radius;

      public double getArea(){
            return area;

      public double getPerimeter(){
             return perim;

Whoops, I just noitced this was posted on the 27th. I hope you did ok on your test!
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