HTML problem please help!

Thanks for the help, i appreciate it. I have listened an gotten rid of the center on the doctype. And tried a bunch more stuff to get it all to align on the top right, with the platforms they respectively attach to.

also i fixed also the advertisement.jpg it was because of ad block software(noob lesson for a key-word picture name). I would really like to still clean up the code+ get rid of 99% of the table stuff but have no idea how. Please help :)

This is actually very common code for old frontpage generated websites. To clean up you need to understand the code, so I will give you some links.

HTML tutorial: HTML Tutorial
CSS tutorial: CSS Tutorial

If you go through the above tutorial and learn how to position elements you can remove all table code and replace it with divs.

If you really want the code to be proper and clean you can also check how the site validates towards its doctype definition.

This can be done from this URL: [Invalid] Markup Validation of - W3C Markup Validator

You should try fix it yourself and not ask people to do it for you! We can rather assist if you get questions while you are working on it.
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