How to start the Messenger service without administrative rights..?

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I wanna start the Messenger service at school so i can NET SEND messages to my other friends at school. They have blocked command prompt but i found a way to get around the block by typing "" in notepad and saving as a batch file. so i do have access to a command prompt. I cannot run regedit (registry editor) at all. it gives me a "System Error 5: Access denied" (or something along those lines) just basically meaning i have to be admin or have administrative rights. i can open services.msc, the Messenger service is disabled and if i click start it just gives me the System Error 5.

i was just wonder if there is any way to start the Messenger service WITHOUT becoming admin, such as batch file or command, etc. or tricking the computer into being admin without changing the password or something. or if there's anyway just got completely get around the system 5 error. please lemme know!


ALSO: it's a school computer. i DO NOT wanna damage anything. i WILL NOT download any applications or software. That's just a little over the lines for starting one service for me. but thanks anyways!
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