.EXE files >64k and built by OpenWatcom won't run on a PC-XT


Beta member
I'm delevoping firmware for a V50 based system that I built.

.EXE files larger than 64k that I built with OpenWatcom won't run on a PC-XT.
They run fine on a modern PC, either in Dosbox or rebooting to my FreeDOS partition.
Smaller projects built using the same makefile run OK.

The most important line in the makefile is:
CFLAGS = -1 -fpi -ml -j -bt=dos -ohk -zp1 -os -I$(%WATCOM)/h $(SYSTEM)

On the XT, the file loads then the machine locks up. I suspect a linkage problem,
but I don't know how to procede from here.

I was completely wrong about the cause. Please see my question about compiling programs that use floating point arithmetic.
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