CSS Visited Links Problem

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Baseband Member
I am doing a website and have come to a dilemma with the CSS code, mainly the visited links. I want the links to remain in the visited state until the user comes back to the site later. Basically, I want the user to be able to keep up with what he/she has looked at during their current view of the site only. As of now, everytime I bring up the page the links are in the visited state since I have been to every page previously.
Thanx ahead of time! Will happily answer questions.
This has to do with browser cache and history. I don't believe you can do anything with CSS.

Maybe with Javascript though.
thanx for the info. i searched for javascript solutions and couldn't find anything that worked. could you please give me the correct code and directions to putting it in the html or point me to a detailed site that can tell me what to do. thanx ahead of time!
I'm not overly hot with Javascript, so I can't right the code for you.

I would imagine you'd want a cookie that expired at the end of the session (when the browser is closed) that will save the link color.

Can't help more than that, sorry.
I think an easier way to do this would be to set all of the links to the same color. Then use Javascript and cookies to change the links that the user clicked on to a different color and have all of those links stored in a cookie that expires after the browser session, or a few minutes. Then everytime a user accesses the site, have Javascript check for that cookie, and if it's there, have it change the link(s) color. Agreed?

I'm not proficient in Javascript, so I can't help you write it unless you have a very specific question.
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