Converting from hexa to decimal

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I found this on the facebook website - what do you think is the result of this conversion

{ (0xFACEB00C >> 2) in decimal format } @

I know 0x is the symbol for Hexadecimal, but what does ">> 2" do?

Converting FACEB00C into decimal gives 4207849484 - but I'm pretty sure thats not the solution
I found the number as well, but I have yet to decipher the ">>2" thing...this is very interesting and rest assured I will post here if I ever figure it out...

Bit shift operation. In this case by 2 positions. Which is analogous to dividing the number by 4..

e.g. 0xC >> 2 = 0x1100 >> 2 = 0x11 = 3

or 0xC >> 2 = 12 /4 = 3
I found the number as well, but I have yet to decipher the ">>2" thing
">>" is the bitwise right shift operator. In this case, it means shift 2 bits to the right, or knock the two right-most (least significant) bits off. For instance, a right shift of 2 bits applied to the value 0xF is 0x3.
0xF = 1111 (binary)
1111 >> 2 = 0011 = 3

Edit: Chankama beat me to it :)
The behavior of >> varies from language to language. In C and Java, >> is the arithmetic right shift operator. I believe the previous two posts by jaeusm and Chankama have almost covered how >> is handled.

You both are correct under intuitive circumstances. In A >> B, you were considering A to be an unsigned integer. If we allow A to be signed, we will run into problems. Take the previous example:

0xF = 1111

If 0xF is unsigned:
1111 >> 2 = 0011
or equivalently:
15 >> 2 = 3.

Unfortunately, C and Java handle arithmetic right shift differently. It seems C forces the number being shifted to be unsigned. Java uses the 'correct' definition of arithmetic right shift and propagates the most significant bit in the result (known as sign extension):

1111 >> 2 = 1111
equivalently in decimal:
-1 >> 2 = -1

or using a different example:
1100 >> 1 = 1110
equivalently in decimal:
-4 >> 1 = -2


Note I am using 2's complement for the representation of the signed integers.

If you ask me, 0xfaceb00c >> 2 is an idiotic thing for the facebook recruiting team to use as an email address. I know they're trying to be clever, but honestly, I hope the engineers exercise a higher degree of finite precision in their daily work than they do in describing their obscure email addresses.
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