Can some1 help me do this

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Beta member
i have this project that is due on Monday
pls help

it's asking to write this code in C++

"Develop a win32 application project to copy a file named “data.txt” to a file called “Newdata.txt” using C++ file handling mechanisms. Repeat the process five times copying the file 1, 5, 10, 100, 1000 bytes at a time. Find the elapsed time for each experiment. Is there any difference in elapsed time for different experiments? "
clock_t start, finish;
double duration;
start = clock();
qsort( (void *)nums, (size_t)200000UL, sizeof( int ), compare );
finish = clock();
printf("\n ***** elapsed time for quick sort ****");
duration = (double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // elapsed time in clocks/second
printf("\n clock ticks = %10.3lf\n",(double)(finish-start)); // elapsed time, clock ticks
printf("\n seconds = %10.3lf\n", duration );
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